Title: Business Process Transformation – A massive challenge but a huge opportunity
Who: Steve Towers, CEO & Founder, Business Process Group (BPG) Overview of the talk: The challenges facing organisations have never been greater. With disruption from artificial intelligence and related technologies (cognitive, machine learning and RPA) combined with higher than ever Customer Expectations coupled with a need for speed is the perfect storm. Stepping upto this challenge requires incisive strategic and operational approaches that deliver transformed, agile and robust business processes. This keynote will review how the best performing companies consistently deliver success and how you can achieve those amazing results also. Takeaways:
Bio: Steve is a highly sought-after visionary force in leading global organizations. Founder of the BPG in 1992, developed the world’s first and premier network for BPM & Customer Experience professionals. Now In 118 countries with 100K+ members and affiliate offices in 13 countries. An inspirational speaker (keynoted 55 conferences in the last decade), He has published 8 Best-selling books including ‘BPM – In search of Excellence’, ‘The Process Tactics Playbook’ and ‘Outside-In, the secret of the 21st centuries leading companies’. Previously worked for Citibank leading restructuring and business process transformation programs both in the United States, EMEA, and APAC. An Advisor to global boards and sits on the steering panel of the influential California-based BPM Forum, a group of distinguished 'C' Levels heading up Global 500 companies. Awarded the "Process Excellence Global contributor of the year for 2018" Inducted into the "Enterprise Architect World Hall of Fame in 2011". Received the "Lifetime Achievement Award for contribution to Business" at Gartner's Annual Summit in 2007. Steve is a grandfather and lives with Penny, my wife of 37 years in our homes in England and the US. In Action: You can see me in keynote action in India at: https://youtu.be/H3rWzrTuGho Conference Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpk3rgaY7po Online Breakfast Keynote: https://youtu.be/-WJsQltKyPg What motivates me: https://youtu.be/f3wKz-AD--o Events: Recent conferences (2017-18) include OPEX Week, Marcus Evans, Gartner and NASSCOM Upcoming events (London, Los Angeles, Bangalore & Sydney) can be viewed at https://www.stevetowers.com/speaking.html
Global Firsts
Steve Towers, business entrepreneur has founded more than a dozen companies and associations including a number of global firsts:
Steve Towers, business entrepreneur has founded more than a dozen companies and associations including a number of global firsts:
- invented the phrase Business Process Management (BPM) during a series of workshops and lectures in 1993/94
(source: An Executives Guide to Business Process Reengineering) - Established the world's first global BPM community in 1992
(www.bpgroup.org) which has over 90,000 members. Join here. - Created, launched and delivered the world's first BPM Training course in 1996
- Steve Towers co-created the world's first Advanced BPM Method - '8 Omega' in 2004
- Steve Towers & Peter Fingar co-authored 'In Search of BPM Excellence' (2005) bringing together the leading writers and thinkers with the then current understanding of BPM
- Steve Towers researched and encapsulated Advanced BPM and the customer age then co-authored a book with these findings in 2006 'Customer Expectation Management - Success without Exception' (2006)
The subsequent output 'Customer Experience Management Method (CEMMethod™)' is the means by which several of the world's leading companies achieve their ongoing success. CEMMethod™ is now at version 11 (eleven).
- Steve Received the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' at Gartner's San Diego Conference in February 2007.
www.prweb.com/releases/2007/3/prweb509554.htm - Received the ‘Enterprise Architecture Hall of Fame Award’ at iCMG’s Bangalore Conference in 2011.
http://live.icmgworld.com/architectureawards/2015/index.php/winners/winners-2011 and
also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9S_Ci56bCo - Awarded Community Contributor of the 2018 at the PEX Week conference in Florida in 2018 https://youtu.be/hLPjYbPPRKA
- As part of the evolution of BPM Steve co-developed the CEMMethod™ to encompass leading change approaches such as Customer Experience Management, Lean Six Sigma, Business Process Management, Agile and BPR.
- Steve Towers has published many books, appeared on TV and Radio and supports the development of approaches for progressing Enterprises towards customer centric operations and practice.
- As a leading proponent of Customer Experience Management published best sellers ‘Outside-In The Secret’, ‘The Process Tactics Playbook’ and contributed to ‘Foundations for Customer Centricity’ with business partner James Dodkins.
- Steve Manages the world’s largest Lean Six Sigma Group on LinkedIn (525K members at time of writing). He also Directs and manages 20+ progressive LinkedIn groups towards improving business performance through customer centric thinking.
- Steve Towers is active in advancing the Customer cause through social and business networks, and sits as an executive advisor on several company boards, including non profits and charitable enterprises.
- Steve Towers frequently chairs and keynotes the major conferences on the theme of Business Transformation & Customer Experience.
You can see the recent and upcoming at http://www.stevetowers.com/speaking.html - Read some of the recent ADVANCE PRAISE here