Discover how you can transform business performance and in doing so win the triple crown - reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service simultaneously.

"I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the book! It really helped tie together various concepts and practices I have been evolving towards over a number of years, crystallizing them into a simple but powerful framework."
Steve Melville, CIO Oracle.
Steve Melville, CIO Oracle.
Steve's books...
DARE!: Behind The Scenes Of The Best Business Transformation Project In The World. |
Are you curious to find out the story of a company that went from a static platform to winning the Best Business Transformation Project in the World?Why another book about business transformation? The answer is simple: because it is needed. We have seen business transformation projects fail and being abandoned and forgotten by those who initiated them. In some business communities, these projects are perceived as an ‘inevitable evil’.
Some of the techniques you can apply that will transform your processes and CX
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Steve's Articles
Articles published on LinkedIn Pulse - https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/stevetowers or click the articles below

Articles on LinkedIn Pulse
https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/stevetowers - 70+ articles on LinkedIn Pulse
Blog around Successful Customer Outcomes
https://www.cxobsession.com - 400+ articles on Advanced BPM
https://www.youtube.com/user/snoozers69 - Over 70 videos on the theme
Presentations in powerpoint
http://www.slideshare.net/stowers/ - More than 80 presentations (downloadable)
CPP Courses
http://www.bpgroup.org/ - 80+ courses leading to the Certified Process Professional qualification (CPP) all over the globe through 2017 (90,000+ now certified)
ACXP qualification
http://www.bpgroup.org/ - 20+ courses leading to the Accredited Customer Experience Professional (ACXP) in the USA, UK, Australia, UAE and South Africa
The Customer Experience Management Method (CEMMethod™)
http://www.cemmethod.com (now version 11)
The Certified Process Professional
http://www.certifiedprocessprofessional.com/ - Professional qualifications since 1992
Join us on Linked-In
http://bit.ly/joinbpgroup - 16,000+ members networking with ideas
https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/stevetowers - 70+ articles on LinkedIn Pulse
Blog around Successful Customer Outcomes
https://www.cxobsession.com - 400+ articles on Advanced BPM
https://www.youtube.com/user/snoozers69 - Over 70 videos on the theme
Presentations in powerpoint
http://www.slideshare.net/stowers/ - More than 80 presentations (downloadable)
CPP Courses
http://www.bpgroup.org/ - 80+ courses leading to the Certified Process Professional qualification (CPP) all over the globe through 2017 (90,000+ now certified)
ACXP qualification
http://www.bpgroup.org/ - 20+ courses leading to the Accredited Customer Experience Professional (ACXP) in the USA, UK, Australia, UAE and South Africa
The Customer Experience Management Method (CEMMethod™)
http://www.cemmethod.com (now version 11)
The Certified Process Professional
http://www.certifiedprocessprofessional.com/ - Professional qualifications since 1992
Join us on Linked-In
http://bit.ly/joinbpgroup - 16,000+ members networking with ideas